En. Ai :
Creating mythology
Unique experiences in youth, despite ups and downs, eventually bring you back to who you truly are.
About the artist
En.Ai is a artist base in china with a diverse background, including roles as a world champion, dance teacher, gymnastics coach, illustrator, designer, and mother. Following a series of extraordinary experiences in her youth, she recently embarked on her artistic journey, rediscovering her true self through painting. Her style is pure and distinct, drawing inspiration from mythological themes and blending beauty, depth, and mystery in a compelling way. With her exceptional talent and rich life experiences, En.Ai has created a series of works that explore the complexity of chaos, essence, and experience before they take form.
Mythical impressions
The Chaos series first caught the attention of collectors, marking a significant milestone in her artistic journey. After various early explorations, she began creating the Chaos series in recent years, bringing to life the mythical impressions from her mind. Her earliest encounter with mythology likely stemmed from her family’s tradition of worshipping the Kitchen God, whom her mother described as the deity overseeing meals. Another major influence was the mythological framework she absorbed while watching Journey to the West during her childhood. In this narrative, Buddha was portrayed as the most powerful figure, with Guanyin also playing a pivotal role, often stepping in when the four disciples were unable to resolve challenges on their own.
Growing appreciation for ancient art and mythology
As En.Ai grew older, her appreciation for the Dunhuang murals deepened. Their vivid colors, grand scale, and captivating stories left a lasting impression, enriching her artistic perspective. Another profound influence on her work is the Shan Hai Jing (The Classic of Mountains and Seas), a text filled with descriptions of countless strange and mythical creatures that both fascinate and unsettle her. Despite this lingering sense of fear, she draws inspiration from these creatures, weaving them into her art in ways that are both beautiful and haunting. This fusion of admiration and fear allows her to create works that evoke a sense of wonder while exploring the mysterious and surreal aspects of mythology.
Life influences
Having multiple identities made it difficult for her to remain unaffected by the events of her life. While creating the "Mythology" series, she faced challenges related to her children's growth, work, and artistic endeavors, one after another. However, the beauty of art lies in the fact that every piece, after undergoing a series of experiences, can have a second ending, imbued with a newfound depth and significance.
雷艷 Leiyan結果不重要 我們要的是筋疲力盡 It does not matter the result. We just want to be exhausted. Oil on canvas, 43.31 x 34.65 in, 2019. | 迷迷 Mimi快,要来不及補天上那個破洞了! Hurry up, it's too late to fix up that hole in the sky! Oil on canvas, 43.31 x 34.65 in, 2019. | 遊差 Youchai Triptych子時覓食,彼此嗅到了彼此,於是…… We smelled each other when we were foraging... Oil on canvas,103.94 x 43.31 in, 2021. | 观荼Guantu努力努力再努力,TA定能知道。 Try harder, one day she/he'll know. Oil on canvas, 43.31 x 34.65 in ,2019. |
蒂兰 Dilan DiptychOil on canvas, 43.31 x 34.65 in, 2019. | 依度1 Here NO.1Oil on canvas, 59.06 x 47.24 in, 2020. | 依度2 Here NO.2Oil on canvas, 59.06 x 47.24 in, 2020. | 翡亂 Feiluan那世間的紛紛擾擾,又怎及我和你的糾纏來得著迷呢 How can the troubles in this world compare to the entanglement of you and me? Oil on canvas, 47.24 x 35.43 in, 2021. |
與花同在 With flower没關系我在 I'll stand by you Oil on canvas, 59.06 x 47.24 in, 2019. | 群窟双联画 Qunku Diptych當然,秘密基地是存在的,就像TA們說的阿特蘭蒂斯,也許更早更早! Of course the secret base exists, they said, it's just like Atlantis, maybe even older! Oil on canvas, 78.74 x 39.37 in, 2021. | 玄餌 XuanerOil on canvas, 43.31 x 34.65 in, 2021. | 姝亞 Shuya慢慢地將身上的顏色退掉,心腸也不要太好,這樣我們就安全了。 Slowly take the color off the body, and don't be too kind, we'll be safe. Oil on canvas, 47.24 x 35.43 in, 2021. |
渙遊双联画 Huanyou Diptych喂!跟緊了,風景雖好但我們緊緊要要的是趕去那個叫如幻象馬的地方。 Hey, keep up! The scenery is great, but we must rush to the place called Ruhuanxiangma. Oil on canvas, 78.74 x 39.37 in, 2021. | 回問 Back to Ask喂,西天怎麽走! Yo! How the hell do you get to Western Paradise?! Oil on canvas, 43.31 x 34.65 in, 2022. | 侖龍 Lundragon為什麽出現了三條? 難道你們找到了二十一顆? Why are there three dragons? Didn't you find twenty-one eggs? Oil on canvas, 59.06 x 47.24 in, 2021. | 《仙詞》Words噓!這事兒很重要,不然怎能商量個萬把來年的。 Shh! This is very important, or else how can the next ten thousand years be discussed? Oil on canvas, 43.31 x 34.65 in, 2020. |